Find them all!

According to the other activities, we still working on the body parts. Now, it is time to work on writing skills.

For this activity, on the next page, we find endless resources and one of them is this, you can download this file by clicking on the image.

This exercise is perfect for us, due to we continue working on the body parts and they improve their attention and concentration. 

And I am sure your students will love this type of activity!

Futonge, K. (s. f.). English4kids. Recuperado 24 de noviembre de 2020, de 


  1. Hi Sergio. How are you?
    I am your classmate Verónica González,

    I find your activity very fun and entertaining. It is a very cool activity to work vocabulary and learn it in a different way. Word searches help children to easily memorize new vocabulary, making it a very effective activity.
    I think your activity is a success. As teachers, we must put in place all kinds of actions that contribute to helping children study and memorize in a simpler way. And if it is also fun, much better.


  2. Hello colleague,

    I would like to congratulate you on this activity, I think that although it is very simple, it is really interesting for children to learn to write the names of the parts of the body.
    On the other hand, I would like to ask you about the age of the children with whom you would use this activity.

    Finally, tell you that I also have a blog. if you want you can enter and see the activities.


  3. Very useful activity to do in class!
    Sometimes children surprise you and get excited with this kind of traditional things like the letters soup!


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