Digital resources

Here, there are some webpages and Instagram profiles in which there are a lot of resources you can use. The people who have created all these resources are native speakers or teachers who share their time, knowledge and resources with the rest of the community. 

Some of them are destined for people who have a superior English level. Also, they include interesting resources you can buy or create easily. We find posts in which they include grammar, culture, vocabulary, examples of pronunciation, etc.


I highly recommend the last page due to the huge amount of resources it has.

Instagram profiles

Although some of these profiles are written by Spanish people or from other parts of the world, all the posts are uploaded in English.


These profiles are perfect for you if you have a high level. These women will solve your doubts and give you tips to improve your learning. Also, the first profile includes phonetic transcription:



  1. Hello!
    It's very useful for everyone to give profiles about English tips. Now both Instagram and Tiktok have many accounts dedicated to this and they are very helpful. I want to give you more for you!

    Mireia Morillas Prats


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